Technical English

Can you express that in Computer English? (1)

To mitigate the effects of this limitation, swap space is set up. 和訳:その(物理メモリ)制限効果を軽減するために、swap空間がセットアップされた。 Database backups are essential. 和訳:データベースのバックアップが重要です。

Abbreviations for Software Developers( Random Update )

This list will be updated at any time. FTS : Full-Text Search KISS: Keep It Sweet & Simple DRY: Don't repeat yourself OAOO:Once and Only Once ROR: Ruby on Rails YAGNI:You Ain't Gonna Need It AUP: Agile Unified Process BDD: Behavior Driven …

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - 1

Summary: As in any other engineering discipline, software engineering also has some structured models for software development. This document will provide you with a generic overview about different software development methodologies adopt…